Pre-Recorded Video Submission Instructions

The Canadian Bone and Joint Conference abstract submissions must include the pre-recorded video component to be considered for acceptance into the conference program. The pre-recorded video must be included with all submissions – Oral Presentations and Open Poster Sessions. The pre-recorded video will be considered along with the abstract by reviewers. Also, conference award judges will review both the abstract and the video alongside the live sessions. Awards will be presented (sponsorship dependent) to the top presentations and posters.

Pre-Recorded Video Format and Suggestions:

  • Zoom Conferencing (free at is the preferred platform for recording your video.
  • Videos must be in an mp4 format saved as Lastname_Firstname_Poster.mp4
  • Recommend landscape format for best viewing on YouTube.
  • Maximum 3 minutes in length (100MB max file size).
  • No updates of videos will be allowed after submission deadline.
  • Remember to be clear and concise and use lay language.
  • Video submissions should augment your formal abstract submission and be equivalent to the presentation you would give during a traditional conference face-to-face poster session.
  • Illustrative supplements are encouraged to enhance your video. This could include:
    • traditional scientific poster shared on screen;
    • 2 or 3 slides in PPT format shared on screen; and/or,
    • Other visual aids such as prototypes, animations or images.

CAUTION: Careful attention should be given to information shared in this recorded format - particularly with regards to intellectual property.

Tips for Recording on Zoom (preferred platform)

  • Register for a free account (if not available through your institution) at
  • Plan your presentation (including visual aids) and prepare your speaking notes.
  • Record in a quiet space with no interruptions. Make sure you have adequate lighting and microphone capabilities (head set recommended) to ensure both video and audio quality. Use an appropriate virtual Zoom background if desired. This feature has specific system requirements.
  • Open a “New Meeting” on Zoom and test your video and audio settings.
  • For best results be sure to enable Side-by-side Mode in your Share Screen settings so that your video will not overlap your shared screen presentation.
  • Practice your presentation using the conferencing platform.
  • If using a PDF poster or slides, be sure to share only the portions of your screen that are necessary. 
  • Start recording and complete your presentation. Remember to stop recording at the end of your presentation. You may record multiple versions of your video in the same sitting. Note: Zoom allows for pausing of recordings.
  • Video conversion (.mp4) for each full recording will automatically begin when you end the meeting. Files will save directly to your computer (mp4 files will be compressed and should be well within the submission requirements for file size). Review your recordings and submit your work!


A PDF Version of these instructions is available here